Sněhová předpověď pro Afriski Mountain Resort je: Silný déšť (celkem 26.0mm), nejsilnější během nedělního odpoledne. Velmi mírné (max 14°C v neděli odpoledne, min 10°C v úterý v noci). Vítr bude převážně slabý.
Afriski Mountain Resort Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Afriski Mountain Resort is: Silný déšť (celkem 26.0mm), nejsilnější během nedělního odpoledne. Velmi mírné (max 14°C v neděli odpoledne, min 10°C v úterý v noci). Vítr bude převážně slabý.
Afriski Mountain Resort Weather (Days 4-6): Mírný déšť (celkem 15.0mm), nejsilnější ve středu odpoledne. Velmi mírné (max 14°C ve čtvrtek odpoledne, min 10°C ve středu v noci). Vítr bude převážně slabý.
Počasí živě pro Afriski Mountain Resort
Hloubka sněhu
Tepl. (°C)
Vítr (km/h)
Horní vlek:
Dolní vlek:
Afriski Mountain Resort Počasí
(Příštích 3 dní):
Sněhová předpověď pro Afriski Mountain Resort je: Silný déšť (celkem 26.0mm), nejsilnější během nedělního odpoledne. Velmi mírné (max 14°C v neděli odpoledne, min 10°C v úterý v noci). Vítr bude převážně slabý.
Afriski Mountain Resort Počasí (Dny 4-6):
Mírný déšť (celkem 15.0mm), nejsilnější ve středu odpoledne. Velmi mírné (max 14°C ve čtvrtek odpoledne, min 10°C ve středu v noci). Vítr bude převážně slabý.
Sněhový radar
Poslední sněhové zpravodajství blízko Afriski Mountain Resort:
Silný déšť (celkem 26.0mm), nejsilnější během nedělního odpoledne. Velmi mírné (max 14°C v neděli odpoledne, min 10°C v úterý v noci). Vítr bude převážně slabý.
Další dny 4-6 souhrn počasí:
Mírný déšť (celkem 15.0mm), nejsilnější ve středu odpoledne. Velmi mírné (max 14°C ve čtvrtek odpoledne, min 10°C ve středu v noci). Vítr bude převážně slabý.
Tabulka výše zobrazuje předpověď počasí pro Afriski Mountain Resort v nadmořské výšce 3070 m. Naše sofistikované modely pro předpovídaní počasí umožňují poskytovat sněhovou předpověď pro horní, prostřední a dolní stanice střediska Afriski Mountain Resort. Pro zobrazení předpovědi počasí v jiných nadmořských výškách, použijte navigaci nad touto tabulkou. Pro rozsáhlejší informace o počasí můžete použít Meteo Mapu" lokace Lesotho.
Klikněte zde pro získání více informací o bodech mrazu a o tom jak předpovídáme teplotu.
I didn't even make it to the resort but I'd like to review their shocking communication and customer service.
I booked two nights at the resort and after heavy snowfall in Lesotho, I was stuck at my lodge in Semonkong and unable to make the first night of my booking. I emailed Afriski to notify them and enquire about a refund or what the next steps would be, and they replied that no refund was possible. I accepted this but after reading an Instagram post from them stating that the roads to their resort were closed due to the same snowfall, I checked their booking T&C's and saw that it said "Where, and to the extent, it becomes impossible for Afriski to perform or provide the services due to the temporary closure of the resort or for any other reason including Force Majeure, Afriski shall immediately inform the Client of the nature and expected duration of the circumstances." I was never contacted or informed about the situation and after reaching out to them again to inquire about it and remind them of their obligations to me as a client, I never received a response. I still have not been granted the courtesy of a reply which I find incredibly unprofessional and essentially a breach of their policies. I also noticed that their T&C's state that "Afriski shall issue the Client with a voucher to the value of the amount received by Afriski at the time of notice and shall, with the Client, re-schedule the Booking to a suitable future date". This also never happened and still has not happened.
I doubt I will ever receive a response which blows my mind, and even if they did ever get back to me, this unpleasant episode has made me never want to visit their resort. Terrible company and I will go out of my way to tell everyone I know how they treat clients and how unbelievably bad their service is. Book with them at your peril!
I didn't even make it to the resort but I'd like to review their shocking communication and customer service.
I booked two nights at the resort and after heavy snowfall in Lesotho, I was stuck at my lodge in Semonkong and unable to make the first night of my booking. I emailed Afriski to notify them and enquire about a refund or what the next steps would be, and they replied that no refund was possible. I accepted this but after reading an Instagram post from them stating that the roads to their resort were closed due to the same snowfall, I checked their booking T&C's and saw that it said "Where, and to the extent, it becomes impossible for Afriski to perform or provide the services due to the temporary closure of the resort or for any other reason including Force Majeure, Afriski shall immediately inform the Client of the nature and expected duration of the circumstances." I was never contacted or informed about the situation and after reaching out to them again to inquire about it and remind them of their obligations to me as a client, I never received a response. I still have not been granted the courtesy of a reply which I find incredibly unprofessional and essentially a breach of their policies. I also noticed that their T&C's state that "Afriski shall issue the Client with a voucher to the value of the amount received by Afriski at the time of notice and shall, with the Client, re-schedule the Booking to a suitable future date". This also never happened and still has not happened.
I doubt I will ever receive a response which blows my mind, and even if they did ever get back to me, this unpleasant episode has made me never want to visit their resort. Terrible company and I will go out of my way to tell everyone I know how they treat clients and how unbelievably bad their service is. Book with them at your peril!
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