Sněhová předpověď pro SilverStar je: Padá čerstvý sníh. Teploty budou pod bodem mrazu (max -1°C v neděli odpoledne, min -5°C v pondělí v noci). Vítr bude slábnout (silný vítr od ZSZ v neděli v noci, slabý vítr ze západu od úterního odpoledne).
SilverStar Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for SilverStar is: Padá čerstvý sníh. Teploty budou pod bodem mrazu (max -1°C v neděli odpoledne, min -5°C v pondělí v noci). Vítr bude slábnout (silný vítr od ZSZ v neděli v noci, slabý vítr ze západu od úterního odpoledne).
SilverStar Weather (Days 4-6): Převážně sucho. Teploty budou pod bodem mrazu (max 0°C v sobotu ráno, min -3°C ve čtvrtek ráno). Vítr bude slábnout (svěží vítr od ZSZ ve čtvrtek ráno, bezvětří od pátečního odpoledne).
Počasí živě pro SilverStar
Hloubka sněhu
Tepl. (°C)
Vítr (km/h)
Horní vlek:
Prostřední vlek:
Dolní vlek:
SilverStar Počasí
(Příštích 3 dní):
Sněhová předpověď pro SilverStar je: Padá čerstvý sníh. Teploty budou pod bodem mrazu (max -1°C v neděli odpoledne, min -5°C v pondělí v noci). Vítr bude slábnout (silný vítr od ZSZ v neděli v noci, slabý vítr ze západu od úterního odpoledne).
SilverStar Počasí (Dny 4-6):
Převážně sucho. Teploty budou pod bodem mrazu (max 0°C v sobotu ráno, min -3°C ve čtvrtek ráno). Vítr bude slábnout (svěží vítr od ZSZ ve čtvrtek ráno, bezvětří od pátečního odpoledne).
Padá čerstvý sníh. Teploty budou pod bodem mrazu (max -1°C v neděli odpoledne, min -5°C v pondělí v noci). Vítr bude slábnout (silný vítr od ZSZ v neděli v noci, slabý vítr ze západu od úterního odpoledne).
Další dny 4-6 souhrn počasí:
Převážně sucho. Teploty budou pod bodem mrazu (max 0°C v sobotu ráno, min -3°C ve čtvrtek ráno). Vítr bude slábnout (svěží vítr od ZSZ ve čtvrtek ráno, bezvětří od pátečního odpoledne).
Tabulka výše zobrazuje předpověď počasí pro SilverStar v nadmořské výšce 1916 m. Naše sofistikované modely pro předpovídaní počasí umožňují poskytovat sněhovou předpověď pro horní, prostřední a dolní stanice střediska SilverStar. Pro zobrazení předpovědi počasí v jiných nadmořských výškách, použijte navigaci nad touto tabulkou. Pro rozsáhlejší informace o počasí můžete použít Meteo Mapu" lokace Canada.
Klikněte zde pro získání více informací o bodech mrazu a o tom jak předpovídáme teplotu.
I have never felt so taken advantage of by a ski hill! At the moment I wouldn't even give this place one star! I have skied around the world. Unfortunately, I am far from the only one who feels this way at Silverstar at the moment. There are many of us in my situation. My family of four have been season pass holders since I moved to Vernon several years ago. We were actually even considering purchasing property at Silverstar until the pandemic hit. This year I have been forced to pay the same price for a pass that I can't use. Most of the time my children are not in school and I have no other option! I spoke to the manager of ticketing and sales about it yesterday, and was offered my money back to walk away, which means walking away from skiing. This person claimed to share my passion for skiing, but no one who shares my passion for this sport would suggest anyone, let alone a loyal season pass holder and passionate skier, should walk away from the sport. This person also said they were truly "sorry for my situation." I would like to point out Silverstar created this situation (for me and many, many others) by limiting the number of seasons passes, arbitrarily without warning, before the earlybird price ending date had even arrived! I don't want the empty words of an apology! I want Silverstar to fix this situation, either by removing the ridiculous limits on our "limited" passes we paid the same price for or figuring out how to compensate us accordingly at the end of the season for the resulting lesser product they have forced upon us. I also want everyone thinking of spending money at Silverstar, to know how people like me are being taken advantage of at the moment. Apparently Silverstar has no intention of doing anything other than saying, "sorry" we're going to take advantage of you at the moment, don't like it walk away. I ask all of you, when booking your trips, holidays and ski days in the future, as this pandemic ends, do you really want to spend your money in a place that treats their passionate, loyal season pass holders the way Silverstar has treated so many of us? Probably many of you are pass holders elsewhere. How would you like to be treated this way? As the pandemic ends, you people in the skiing world will have options for where you spend your money. I suggest you consider somewhere that doesn't take advantage of their loyal, local pass holders. I understand the pandemic is difficult for everyone but solutions to pandemic problems do not need to involve taking advantage of each other! Unfortunately, I can't choose anywhere or anything else at the moment if I want to ski. I have to suck it up, as I would be breaking provincial health guidelines going elsewhere.
Steve Moore
A less than impressed, passionate skier
I have never felt so taken advantage of by a ski hill! At the moment I wouldn't even give this place one star! I have skied around the world. Unfortunately, I am far from the only one who feels this way at Silverstar at the moment. There are many of us in my situation. My family of four have been season pass holders since I moved to Vernon several years ago. We were actually even considering purchasing property at Silverstar until the pandemic hit. This year I have been forced to pay the same price for a pass that I can't use. Most of the time my children are not in school and I have no other option! I spoke to the manager of ticketing and sales about it yesterday, and was offered my money back to walk away, which means walking away from skiing. This person claimed to share my passion for skiing, but no one who shares my passion for this sport would suggest anyone, let alone a loyal season pass holder and passionate skier, should walk away from the sport. This person also said they were truly "sorry for my situation." I would like to point out Silverstar created this situation (for me and many, many others) by limiting the number of seasons passes, arbitrarily without warning, before the earlybird price ending date had even arrived! I don't want the empty words of an apology! I want Silverstar to fix this situation, either by removing the ridiculous limits on our "limited" passes we paid the same price for or figuring out how to compensate us accordingly at the end of the season for the resulting lesser product they have forced upon us. I also want everyone thinking of spending money at Silverstar, to know how people like me are being taken advantage of at the moment. Apparently Silverstar has no intention of doing anything other than saying, "sorry" we're going to take advantage of you at the moment, don't like it walk away. I ask all of you, when booking your trips, holidays and ski days in the future, as this pandemic ends, do you really want to spend your money in a place that treats their passionate, loyal season pass holders the way Silverstar has treated so many of us? Probably many of you are pass holders elsewhere. How would you like to be treated this way? As the pandemic ends, you people in the skiing world will have options for where you spend your money. I suggest you consider somewhere that doesn't take advantage of their loyal, local pass holders. I understand the pandemic is difficult for everyone but solutions to pandemic problems do not need to involve taking advantage of each other! Unfortunately, I can't choose anywhere or anything else at the moment if I want to ski. I have to suck it up, as I would be breaking provincial health guidelines going elsewhere.
Steve Moore
A less than impressed, passionate skier
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